Bridge to Confidence – Overcoming Fear

Amy Hart
Six years ago I was hiking a beautiful trail running along a waterfall on vacation with my family when I slipped on some wet rocks and dislocated and fractured my right ankle. It was a glorious, cool day and I remember looking at the blue sky through the trees as six men, including my husband and son, walked me up the trail on a stretcher to a waiting ATV, which whisked me to a waiting ambulance. After getting patched up in the ER, I eventually got home for surgery.
Thus began a journey of depending on many people for help. From the surgeon who put the pins in my ankle to friends helping me get to work, to my family coping with my fear of falling-so many kind and skilled people were there for me. I learned a great deal about asking for help and how much I took for granted. AND it was very uncomfortable – physically, mentally (how am I gonna wash my hair?) and especially emotionally. Because, I was – well, let’s just say “Ms. Independence.” I didn’t like to feel dependent and vulnerable. Well -the Universe decided to support me in getting over it!
Fast forward two years later to January of 2013. I was on a cruise with a group of brilliant and fun women called the Women’s Leadership Advisory Board…..and they wanted to climb Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica. Now let me paint this picture clearly – one climbs UP and THROUGH the falls, on the rocks. People hold hands along the way, like a long conga line. If you start to teeter, the strong line of people balance you. Native guides -who grab rocks with their bare feet – help you pick your way through. This is NOT a spectator sport! I was petrified. I was also with this incredible group of women whom I trusted implicitly, so I saw it as an opportunity to get past my fear.
I could lie and say it was no big deal. What was different this time is that I was aware and prepared! I rented the proper water shoes and positioned myself with my athletic friend Laurie (20 years my junior) in front of me on the conga line for reassurance. I was surrounded by my other friends – Pat T. the mountain climber (literally!) and Pat S. who let me balance against her shoulders during a photo stop, Debbie with her grounding spirit, exuberant Cara bringing up the rear, and our fearless leader Jill. I listened to the guide and I paid attention. I (ahem!) asked for and used a lot of help…and I walked through the fear.
You may be able to pick me out of this photo of us going back to the cruise ship. I’m the grinning one in the second row looking like she could fly or beam back to the ship. That is the joy of conquering fear and the confidence that ensues.
Are you missing new adventures because of some fear in your life? Maybe your “broken ankle” is facing the fear of looking for a job, dating after a divorce, or learning a new skill you find difficult. And maybe there are ways you too can get better prepared, call on resources and guides to help you, and surround yourself with positive and courageous people who support you in meeting challenges and make the journey more interesting and fun!
Just maybe overcoming what you have feared will help drive you beyond what you thought was possible. And let me remind you that no matter how clumsy the attempt to move beyond fear, nothing beats the thrill and joy of overcoming that road block and gaining new confidence that nobody can take from you.